"The Fugitive"

with Chuck Courtney
"The Blessings of Liberty"

December 20, 1966

"The Fugitive" opening screen.

Tonight's episode is "The Blessings of Liberty".

Chuck is the detective looking out the window.

A close-up of Chuck at the window.

Chuck on the left, as a police detective named Tom.

"Tom" spots the suspects returning to the building.

"Tom" uses binoculars to verify the identity of Dr. Kimble.

Chuck heads to the building after hearing gunshots.

"Tom" makes his way up the stairs to investigate the shots.

The suspect takes aim, fires and hits "Tom".

Dr. Kimble checks on the health
of "Tom" (Chuck Courtney).

Ending credits of "The Blessings of
Liberty" showing Chuck's role.



A good episode of The Fugitive with Chuck appearing
in a number of scenes as a police detective name Tom.

All Rights Reserved under copyright by Quinn Martin Productions.
This page layout COPYRIGHT 2008 By Steve Jensen

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