
with Chuck Courtney
"Log 93: Once A Junkie"

November 22, 1969

"Adam-12" opening screen.

Driver (Chuck Courtney) of a green car gets
out, after accidentally hitting a man named
Tee Jay(Robert Donner).

Malloy & Reed approach the injured Tee Jay,
along with the car driver (Chuck Courtney).

Chuck Courtney is wearing a black
sweater over a light blue shirt.

Close-up of Officer Malloy on the left and
the driver (Chuck Courtney) on the left.

Ending cast credits with Chuck's
name listed Driver.


A brief appearance of Chuck Courtney in this eisode as a driver
of a car and accidentally hits a man running across the street.

All Rights Reserved under copyright by Adam-12 Productions.
This page layout COPYRIGHT 2008 By Steve Jensen

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