"The Wild Wild West"

with Chuck Courtney
"The Night of the Winged Terror" - Part 1

January 17, 1969

"The Wild Wild West" opening screen shot.

This episode is titled "The Night of the Winged Terror" - Part 1.

Reward poster for the Brass brothers.

Looking in the cell, Chuck is on the right side.

Brass brothers fearing they will be shot by the
sheriff (Harry Lauter). Chuck is on the far right side.

The sheriff invites the Brass brothers to escape but they
aren't quite sure if they should.

James West (Robert Conrad) getting the best of
Zack Brass (Chuck).

Chuck in the ending credits of "The Night of the Winged
Terror" Part 1.



A nice episode of "The Wild Wild West" with Chuck appearing in a number of scenes as Judd Brass. There is one noticeable
error as Chuck Courtney is credited with the role of Zack Brass in the ending credits. If you look closely, when the reward poster is
displayed at the beginning of the episode, Chuck is identified as Judd Brass. "The Wild Wild West" is currently seen on the Retro
Television Network in my area.

All Rights Reserved under copyright by Warner Brothers.
This page layout COPYRIGHT 2008 By Steve Jensen

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