"The Lone Ranger Rock in 2002"
Photo by Edward James Oldenburg of The Lone Ranger Rock taken in January, 2002
© 2002 Edward James Oldenburg
Ed said that this panoramic shot was taken a shade more to the right than was done originally by the studio. The purpose was to show a little bit more of the second rock, which is now practically hidden by a younger bush and is behind "The Rock", and also to show "the face mask" that most people have never seen. To the far right and way to the back, just below the new condos, lies the "entrance rock" which is just a touch left of the original riding path. The shadows are heavy there because of the sun's location at this time of the year and that far tree has grown a lot in the past 55 years or so covering the path.
Ed also wrote the following: I must tell you that I was almost consumed by nostalgia while I was there. The feeling, when reflecting on the whole thing, was enough to make me weak in the knees. Almost like making a pilgrimage to some sacred place. I really feel privileged to have been there and been able to capture a little bit of the moment that will certainly leave us someday, except for what we have here in print.

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