"EL Toro"

May 7, 1953

Dan Reid (Chuck Courtney) rescuing El Toro from under a mine timber

Dan Reid has just helped El Toro out of the mine

El Toro tells Dan that he owes Dan a big debt in return for saving his life

Dan tells his Uncle, the Lone Ranger, about his rescue of El Toro

The Lone Ranger tells Dan about the notorious El Toro's criminal past

The Lone Ranger, Dan and Tonto discuss their plans

El Toro has just taken a bullet meant for The Lone Ranger and in doing so, pays back the debt owed to Dan!

Sheriff Connors, The Lone Ranger, Dan and Tonto at the end of another great episode

Another fine episode with Chuck Courtney appearing as Dan Reid, the nephew of The Lone Ranger

Written by Charles Larson and Directed by Paul Landres

Cast list for "El Toro" episode # 113


COPYRIGHT 1999 By Steve Jensen

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