The following are links that I have found to be interesting. Many are Lone Ranger related and some are simply cowboy or Western related.

- John Hart: John Hart played The Lone Ranger for one season on television but what was John's favorite acting role? Click here and check out my tribute page to John Hart.
- Home of the silver screen cowboys: Joe Konnyu's fabulous western heroes of the silver screen page. Listen to Lone Radio radio episodes and much more.
- Largent's Lone Ranger Page: Mark Largent's little way of keeping the legend of the Lone Ranger and Tonto alive. Mark's great page is back with a new address.
- Western Clippings: Boyd Magers has a great web site that goes well with his fabulous "Western Clippings" bi-monthly newsletter.
- The Lone Ranger Fan Club: Tex Holland is now in charge of this club for all Lone Ranger fans and I'm proud to be a member myself. Be sure to check it out and become a member today.
- Clayton Moore - He Was That Masked Man: Rick Bulger's tribute to Clayton Moore and The Lone Ranger. Rick includes an interview that he did with Clayton in 1979 and you can hear the audio of Clayton's answers to the questions asked by Rick. A new web site location for Rick's tribute as of 11/01/2009!
- The Old Cowboy Picture Show: We lost George Coan a while back but past issues of the newsletter that George publsihed are available here.
- Audio Classic Archives This web site is operated by Terry Salomonson and Terry has spent years restoring old radio shows, including The Lone Ranger, which he has for sale on CDs. Terry also sells CDs of the music of the Lone Ranger and some unusual Lone Ranger related entertainment.
- Marengo Films A young multimedia entertainment company with a Lone Ranger DVD with the first 3 episodes of the Lone Ranger plus a bonus of a color episode titled “A Message From Abe”.
- Mary's Place: Mary has some great photos of Clayton! Click on Clayton's picture to see them.
- IN LOVING MEMORY: A new web site with some terrific pictures of Clayton as the fine man that his family knows him to be. Don't miss looking at this great site!
- "Lawman": A nice web site dedicated to the 1958-62 western t.v. show "Lawman". Be sure to check their episode guide for the episode "Bloodline" in which Chuck Courtney appeared in on the first season, episode 9.
- Movie-Making Locations Guidebook: Jerry L. Schneider will show you where the Lone Ranger show was filmed, where the Lone Ranger Rock is located and many other great t.v. show and movie locations.
- Corriganville Movie Ranch: Jerry L. Schneider will give you a close look at this famous movie-making location where many of the Lone Ranger t.v. episodes were filmed.
- Television's Cowboys Gunfighters and Cap Pistols: Rudy D'Angelo has one of the best and most complete collections of TV western character cap pistols and rifles in the country, and has put all of this information into a book. The book has 77 chapters on T.V. western shows and information on real western characters in addition to the cap guns.
- Behind the Scenes by Stephen Lodge:
Some great candid behind the scenes photos such as Annie Oakley, Wild Bill Hickok and others. None yet from the Lone Ranger. A nifty new web site.
- Icon Paintings and drawings: Randy Allamon will create a one -of-a-kind picture of your favorite hero (Clayton, Jay, etc.) in ink, watercolor, or oil. See a sample of Randy's work at his new page.
- Horse Fame: Information about some other famous t.v. horses
- Masked Avenger Studios: Rubén Procopio sculpted The Lone Ranger figure for Electric Tiki and this is his web site.
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Page designed by: Steve Jensen
This page was last updated March 30, 2011
COPYRIGHT 1998-2004, 2009-2011 By Steve Jensen